The Adrian City Council meets every month on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 in the Council Chambers of City Hall. If the fourth Monday falls on a holiday, the meeting is typically moved to the third Monday of the month.
David Edwards; Mayor
Term Expires: 12/31/26
Dylan Carlberg; Councilmember
Term Expires: 12/31/26
Steve Kellen; Councilmember
Term Expires: 12/31/26
Jodi Mulder; Councilmember
Term Expires: 12/31/28
Jim Lutmer; Councilmember
Term Expires: 12/31/28
The Mayor and Councilmembers are elected positions in the City of Adrian. The Mayor seat is a two-year term, Councilmembers are four-year terms. Elections are held in even numbered years, in November. As these are elected positions; contact City Hall at PO Box 190 or by calling 507-483-2849 or by sending an email to