Utility Billing Timelines

Normal Monthly Utility Billing Processes:

Meter-Reading Cycles

Adrian Public Works (Utilities) acknowledges meter-reading cycles from the 1st of a month to the last day of the month (approximately).  Both the Electric and Water meters are 'automatic reading' meters.  Meaning that office staff can read the meters electronically on the last day of the month.

Billing Preparation Cycle

Adrian's residents come and go throughout the month.  There are also other administrative changes that are also acknowledged during the month.  Primarily though, meter readings are pulled into the billing system on the last day of the month to derive the utility statements.  Normally, statements are then mailed out by the 5th of each month.  Utility customers who have given us an email address will also receive a notification that their bill is ready for viewing and payment.

Billing Receipt Cycle

Statements are normally due by the 15th of each month.  Payments received after the 15th are subject to a service charge (all accounts are given one (1) late payment without a service charge per 12-month cycle).   If the 15th of the month falls upon a weekend or Federal holiday, payments are then due on the next business day following that event.  Payment agreements are also available for those who require them.

Late-Notification Procedures

If customers are late paying a statement (late is a day after the "Due Date"), then a "Gray Notice" (reminder) is mailed out.  If late payments aren't received by the dated stated on the notice, then a "Disconnect Notice" is either mailed or hand delivered.  These notices clearly state the date of disconnection.

Staff try make extra efforts to notify customers prior to disconnecting services.  Hand delivered disconnect notices are delivered by the Adrian Police Department and a one day "Door notification" warning is also offered prior to services being disconnected.


Utility accounts are disconnected on the date stated on individual notices; in which the prior bill was not paid (revisit the Billing Receipt Cycle & Late Notification Cycle).  The Billing Receipt Cycle and Late-Notification Procedures are the only acknowledged procedures pertaining to disconnect notices.  Any other notification is a courtesy and one that we attempt to make for all of our customers.

The City of Adrian acknowledges heat indexes and Minnesota's Cold Weather Rule.  Customers are encouraged to educate themselves regarding the laws as well.  Heat indexes and the Cold Weather Rule does not mean that utilities cannot be affected.  Therefore, Adrian Public Utilities expects that statements be paid, or payment arrangements be made, in order to avoid service disconnections.

***** Notification Mail Delays *****

Staff will use the U.S. Postal Service to mail their notifications.  Please keep in mind that it takes a few days to receive these notifications through the mail.  Payments are often received between mailing dates and when the notifications are received.  We apologize for this gap in communication.  If you paid a statement and you received a notification, please call City Hall at 507-483-2849 to ensure the payment was received.

Adrian City Hall has two after-hour drop boxes to expedite the receipt of payments (checks...no cash please).  A utility drop box is located in the front of the Adrian Government Center and within the south cove of the building.  Another drive-up utility drop box in located in the alley directly behind City Hall.  Both are clearly labeled.  It is common that mail is dropped in the alley drop box (or utilities payments in their mail drop).  Please try to avoid that mistake.

Thank you for your cooperation.  For additional details, please call City Hall staff at 507-483-2849.