

Adrian Civic and Community Groups

There are many organizations within our community for you to join and participate in.  This strong network of organizations are constantly working toward community betterment.  Here you will find a listing of those organizations, a brief description and contact information.

Cub Scouts

The Cub Scouts are currently undergoing directional changes, check back for updates

Girl Scouts

The Girl Scouts meet twice monthly on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the commons area located at the Adrian Elementary School.  Girls in kindergarten through twelfth grade are eligible to become a member of this group.  The Scouts have many activities including the sale of cookies and nuts, visits to care facilities, summer trips; including campouts and the celebration of Girl Scout events.  There are also activities which are awarded badges.  


Adrian Community United
Adrian Community United has events throughout the year with the purpose of having the community come together and enjoy. Most events are free-will donation and each event funds the next event. 
It is the goal of this organization to raise enough money to resurface the basketball/tennis court at the elementary school and turn the tennis court into a pickleball court. 
If you have any questions, please reach out to a member on their facebook page.


Adrian Town and Country Association

"Working & country...keeping the community strong" is the motto of this association. Meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the EMS Building (Fire Hall); 310 Maine Ave.  This organization is comprised of business owners, families, couples and individuals who have the desire to promote Adrian and the surrounding rural community.  The main promotion and fund raiser is the annual Christmas in July celebration held the third weekend in July.  For more information, or to join the Town & Country, send an email to

Knights of Columbus

More information about this group
will be coming soon!


American Legion
Post #32

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, mutual-help, war-time veterans organization. A community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members -- men and women -- in nearly 15,000 American Legion Posts worldwide. These Posts are organized into 55 Departments -- one each for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico, and the Philippines.

The American Legion's national headquarters is in Indianapolis, Indiana, with additional offices in Washington, DC. In addition to thousands of volunteers serving in leadership and program implementation capacities in local communities to the Legion's standing national commissions and committees, the national organization has a regular full-time staff of about 300 employees.

The Argonne American Legion Post #32 sponsors: Legion baseball, scholarships at the Adrian High School, and the Adrian Cub Scouts. The post put a flagpole up at the Adrian Country Club, has an honor guard at Military Funerals and parades and has a Legion Memorial for Veterans.

The post has 106 members and meets the second Thursday of each month at the American Legion; 109 Maine Ave. Commander is Curt Hendel

 Senior Citizens

Adrian Senior Citizen's hold their activities at the EMS Building at 310 Maine Avenue.  Annual dues are $3.00.  Monthly meetings are held on the first Monday at 12:30 p.m.  Regular card parties are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 12:30 p.m.  Hot, nutritious meals are served Monday through Friday at 11:30 a.m.  For more information on this organization, contact the Senior Center at 483-2588.
