Adrian Park Department

Adrian has a Municipal Campground, outdoor Swimming Pool, two parks and ball fields.  The campground, lower park, pool and ball fields are all located on the northwest edge of Adrian. Grove Park is on the corner of West 2nd Street & Delaware Avenue.

The Campground is located at 501 Franklin Street. 

For reservations, contact the Parks department at;  Phone;  483-2820    Email;  

For questions or concerns, contact Adrian City Hall at; Phone; 483-2849    Email;


Grove park is located at 500 West 2nd Street (corner of West 2nd St & Delaware Ave).  The park has an enclosed shelter with restrooms and kitchen area.  

The Lower park is located at 400 Franklin Ave (just east of the campground).  This park also has an enclosed shelter.  Restrooms are not within the shelter, but rather to the southeast of the park. 

There are ample picnic tables and playground equipment at both parks.  Either shelter can be rented for a fee by contacting the campsite office at 483-2820.


The Adrian Pool is located at 205 N Louisiana Ave (east of the campground, lower park and ball fields) Phone; 483-2499.  The outdoor pool is open Memorial weekend through Labor Day weekend, weather permitting.